• How far does Dubblin ship?

We make every effort to enable online ordering from our website for every customer. Dubblin does ship orders all over India. However, international shipping is not available at the moment. Therefore, customers can place their orders from diverse locations in India. Furthermore, all the customers can contact us without any hesitation for whatever reason. Moreover, do contact us with your PIN code to verify if Dubblin delivers in your region or not. We’ll check if we can provide you with service via a local courier. 

Apart from that, if you are outside of India and would like to shop with us, please email us at info@dubblin.co.in, and we will do our best to fill your order.

  • Is COD available where I am?

Dubblin does not offer and support cash on delivery (COD) at all. Therefore, no customer can place orders for cash on delivery. However, we do offer free shipping on orders of and above 599 Indian Rupees. 

  • What is the estimated delivery time for my Dubblin order?

After you place your order, it will be shipped within 24 to 48 hours. Typically, the order takes 5-7 days to deliver. Dubblin does rely on its delivery partner for secure and timely delivery. However, there may be unforeseen delays due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, we try our hardest to make sure your order gets to you as soon as possible because we are just as eager for you to use our items as you are to get them!

  • How can I view the status of my order?

Your order, payment, and address information will all be confirmed via email or message. This is based on the contact information that you provided us while ordering. Furthermore, you will receive a dispatch notification as soon as your order has been processed and dispatched from us. Along with the carrier and tracking details, this will also contain a link to the courier’s website, which will show the anticipated delivery date for your order. If any of the following applies, we’ll try to get in touch with you by phone or email: 

  • We need more information from you to process your order; 
  • We need to make modifications to your order (e.g., availability dates, product upgrades)
  • We run into issues with the delivery process

Receiving Delivery:

Once you receive the delivery, please look through the packing for any damage. Do not accept the order if the box appears to have been tampered with or physically damaged.

Additionally, remember that you should inspect the goods within seven days of receiving them. Furthermore, no exchange or return claim can be made after the 7 days of receiving the order. Moreover, Dubblin shall be responsible for any product damage, loss, or degradation during transit and for any replacement costs up until the moment of delivery of your order. After the order has been delivered to you, Dubblin will not be held responsible for any damage that occurs.

Unlikely Delivery Delays: 

Dubblin doesn’t want their customer to face any moment of inconvenience. Therefore, in case of any delivery delays, we will try our best to notify you in advance via your contact information. Several unforeseen situations are beyond our control. Thus, in the event that we cannot send your order within 7 days of your order, we will let you know about it and ask for your approval before shipping the products that are still in stock from your order. In these situations, your payment for the portion of the order that hasn’t been sent will be reimbursed in the same way that you made the payment.